Bearded Dragon vs Snake Guide

There are many different types of animals in the world, from domesticated pets to wild creatures. Among the most varied and diverse are the reptiles, a group that includes everything from snakes to turtles to lizards. In this guide, we will compare and contrast two popular reptile species: the bearded dragon and the snake. We will look at their physical characteristics, behavior, diet, and habitat. We will also discuss some of the pros and cons of owning each type of animal as a pet.

What is a bearded dragon?

Introduced to the US in the late 80s and in the 90s, bearded dragons are pet lizards indigenous to Australian wilderness. They have become one of the most popular reptiles to own as pets in America. Bearded dragons are named for the spines or “beard” on their chin and throat, which they can puff out when they feel threatened. These lizards grow to an average length of 18-24 inches, with some individuals reaching up to 36 inches. They come in a variety of colors, including brown, tan, yellow, and red. Bearded dragons are intelligent creatures that can be trained to do tricks and can even learn their owner’s name.

What is a snake?

Snakes are one of the most feared animals in the world, yet they are also kept as pets by many people. There are over 3,000 different species of snakes, ranging in size from the tiny blindsnake to the massive anaconda. Snakes can be found on every continent except Antarctica. These reptiles are carnivores, and their diet consists mostly of small mammals, birds, and other reptiles. Most snakes are not venomous, but the few that are can deliver a deadly bite. Snakes are generally not considered to be intelligent animals, but they can be trained to do simple tasks.

Key differences: Beardies vs Snakes:

Physical characteristics

One of the most obvious differences between bearded dragons and snakes is their physical appearance. Bearded dragons are quadrupedal lizards with long tails,while snakes are limbless creatures with long, cylindrical bodies. Bearded dragons have sharp claws that they use for climbing and digging, while snakes do not have any limbs at all. Both reptiles have scaly skin, but the scales on a snake’s skin are much smaller than those of a bearded dragon.


Bearded dragons are generally docile creatures that enjoy basking in the sun and being handled by their owners. They are not known to be aggressive, but they can become territorial if they feel threatened. Snakes, on the other hand, are often seen as aggressive and dangerous animals. This is partly due to their reputation as predators, but also because many people are afraid of them. However, snakes can make gentle and loving pets if they are properly cared for.


Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning that they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet consists of insects, small mammals, and greens. Pet bearded dragons are typically fed a diet of crickets, mealworms, and leafy greens. Snakes are carnivores, and their diet consists mostly of small mammals, birds, and other reptiles. In the wild, they will also eat eggs and carrion. Pet snakes are typically fed a diet of frozen mice or rats.


Bearded dragons come from the dry, desert regions of Australia. In the wild, they live in rocky outcrops and spinifex grasslands. Pet bearded dragons can be kept in a terrarium that replicates their natural habitat. Snakes can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They prefer warm climates and are often found in rainforests, deserts, and swamps. Pet snakes can be kept in a terrarium or aquarium that replicates their natural habitat.

Pros and cons of owning each type of animal

Bearded dragons make great pets for people of all ages. They are relatively low-maintenance animals that are not too expensive to care for. Bearded dragons are also known to be gentle and docile creatures that enjoy being handled by their owners. However, bearded dragons can be territorial and may bite if they feel threatened. They also require a warm environment and a specialized diet.

Snakes can be great pets for people who are interested in reptiles. They are relatively low-maintenance animals that do not require a lot of space. Snakes are also known to be gentle and loving creatures if they are properly cared for. However, snakes can be aggressive and may bite if they feel threatened. They also require a warm environment and a specialized diet.

Get a bearded dragon as a pet if:

-You are looking for a low-maintenance pet

-You want an animal that is known to be gentle and docile

-You are interested in reptiles

-You have a warm environment for your pet

-You are willing to feed your pet a specialized diet

Get a snake as a pet if:

-You are looking for a low-maintenance pet

-You are interested in reptiles

-You have a warm environment for your pet

-You are willing to feed your pet a specialized diet

Similarities between Bearded dragons and snakes:

-Both are reptiles: Beardies and snakes share the same Family called Squamata

-Both have scaly skin

-Both are ectothermic or “cold-blooded” animals, which means they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature

-Both are found on every continent except Antarctica

Differences between Bearded dragons and snakes:

-Bearded dragons are quadrupedal, meaning they walk on all fours, while snakes are limbless

-The scales on a snake’s skin are much smaller than those of a bearded dragon

-Bearded dragons are omnivores while snakes are carnivores

-Bearded dragons come from the dry, desert regions of Australia while snakes can be found in a variety of habitats including rainforests, deserts, and swamps

-Bearded dragons are typically docile while snakes can be aggressive

-Bearded dragons require a warm environment while snakes prefer a warm environment

-Bearded dragons have a specialized diet while snakes have a specialized diet

-Bearded dragons are known to be gentle while snakes can be loving creatures

-Pet bearded dragons can be kept in a terrarium that replicates their natural habitat while pet snakes can be kept in a terrarium or aquarium that replicates their natural habitat.

Bearded dragon vs corn snake:

A corn snake is a type of rat snake that is native to the southeastern United States. Corn snakes are red, orange, or yellow with black spots down their backs. They can grow to be up to 6 feet long. Corn snakes make great pets because they are docile and easy to care for. However, they require a warm environment and a specialized diet.

The key difference between a corn snake and a bearded dragon is that corn snakes are typically red, orange, or yellow with black spots down their backs while bearded dragons can be a variety of colors including brown, tan, orange, and yellow. Corn snakes are also typically smaller than bearded dragons. Both corn snakes and bearded dragons make great pets for people who are interested in reptiles. However, they require a warm environment and a specialized diet.

When brought together, corn snakes and bearded dragons are likely to fight since they are both territorial animals. If you have both a corn snake and a bearded dragon as pets, it is important to keep them in separate enclosures.

Bearded dragon vs hognose snake:

Hognose snakes need less space than beardies or vitikins, and they are cheaper, more interesting, and require less handling. Hognoses are also docile, making them a good choice for those looking for a snake that can be handled without issue. However, beardies have higher heat requirements and will need UV rays, calcium supplements ,vitamins, fresh vegetables ,and live insects to stay healthy. On the other hand , hognoses are much more tolerant of varying conditions. When you have power outages at home,for example, Beardies would start to get sick whereas hognoses wouldn’t have an issue

If you’re looking for a pet that is easy to handle, the beardie might be a good option. However, keep in mind that this type of pet requires higher levels of heat, UV light, calcium and vitamins. They also need fresh vegetables and insects as part of their diet. Hognoses are much simpler to care for – they only need to be fed once a week and don’t require as high level of heat. However, these pets are not particularly fond of being handled so if you’re looking for something cuddly, this might not be the best option. Another thing to consider is that hognoses tend to spend most of their time buried in substrate whereas beardies are more active which makes them more fun to watch. When it comes down to it, the best pet for you will depend on your personal preferences.

Bearded dragon vs snake fight:

Bearded dragons and snakes will usually fight if they are placed in the same enclosure. Bearded dragons are territorial animals and will not hesitate to defend their territory from a snake. Snakes, on the other hand, are predators and will see a bearded dragon as potential prey. If you have both a bearded dragon and a snake as pets, it is important to keep them in separate enclosures.

The video below shows a video sof a bearded dragon killing a snake then swallowing it.

It is important to note that there are snakes come in all sizes and the smaller ones such as the corn snake or hognose snake are not a threat to bearded dragons. In fact, many people keep these smaller snakes as pets without any issue. It is only the larger snakes that pose a danger to bearded dragons. Therefore, if you are considering getting both a bearded dragon and a snake as pets, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are keeping them in separate enclosures.

Bearded dragon vs garter snake:

Garter snakes, also known as garden snakes or gardener snakes, are a kind of small to medium-sized snake that is harmless. They can be found in the United States, where they are the state reptile of Massachusetts.

Bearded dragons can eat garter snakes but they may not be able to digest effectively as they are unable to digest creatures with skin and bone structure properly. Another website source indicates that some beardie owners feed baby garter snakes to beardies with the thought that baby snakes do not have well-developed bones and skin to cause significant digestion issues.

Can Bearded dragons and snakes live together?

No, bearded dragons and snakes cannot live together. Bearded dragons are territorial animals and will fight with a snake if they are placed in the same enclosure. Snakes, on the other hand, are predators and will see a bearded dragon as potential prey. If you have both a bearded dragon and a snake as pets, it is important to keep them in separate enclosures.

Bites: Snakes vs bearded dragon:

Bearded dragons have razor-sharp teeth that can cause serious injuries if they bite. Their bites are also venomous to small prey, but cannot lead to anaphylactic shock in people. Beardie bites can cause swelling, bruising, and pain.

On the other hand, snakes have long, sharp teeth that can puncture skin and cause serious infections. Their bites can be venomous, which can lead to anaphylactic shock in people. Snake bites can cause swelling, bruising, and severe pain. Some snake with venom include;

  1. rattlesnakes,
  2. copperheads, and
  3. cottonmouths.

Some non-venomous snakes includes;

  1. Garter snakes
  2. ,Hognose snakes, and
  3. corn snakes.


What is the difference between bearded dragon and a leopard gecko?

There are a few key differences between bearded dragons and leopard geckos. Bearded dragons are native to Australia, while leopard geckos originate from Pakistan and India. Bearded dragons grow to be about 2 feet long, while leopard geckos only grow to be about 8-10 inches long. Bearded dragons are also more active during the day, while leopard geckos are nocturnal. Finally, bearded dragons require a warm, dry environment, while leopard geckos prefer a cool, humid environment.

What is the difference between bearded dragon and iguana?

Bearded dragons are native to Australia, while iguanas originate from Central and South America. Bearded dragons grow to be about 2 feet long, while iguanas can grow to be up to 6 feet long. Bearded dragons are also more active during the day, while iguanas are more active at night. Finally, bearded dragons require a warm, dry environment, while iguanas require a warm, humid environment.

What is the difference between bearded dragon and turtle?

Bearded dragons are lizards, while turtles are reptiles. Bearded dragons grow to be about 2 feet long, while turtles can grow to be much larger. Bearded dragons are also more active during the day, while turtles are more active at night. Finally, bearded dragons require a warm, dry environment, while turtles require a cool, damp environment.

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