Bearded Dragon Humidity Guide

Bearded dragons make wonderful pets for those who are willing to care for them properly. This means providing the right environment, including the correct humidity levels. A lack of humidity can cause health problems for bearded dragons, so it’s important to know how to keep the humidity level in your dragon’s habitat just right. In this guide, you will learn all about humidity and how to maintain it in your bearded dragon’s habitat.

What is humidity?

Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in air. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the maximum amount of water vapor that air can hold at a given temperature. The higher the humidity, the more water vapor present in the air.

Bearded dragons come from arid environments with low humidity levels. In the wild, they are used to living in habitats with humidity levels between 20 and 30%. In captivity, it is important to recreate these conditions as closely as possible.

In the habit that you try to create in your home using a 20 to 60-gallon tank, you need to ensure that you maintain humidity levels that mimic those they’d get in the wild. You can do this by using a hygrometer, which is a device that measures humidity. In your tank set up, set the basking spot temperature to between 90 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit using a basking lamp. The cool side of the tank should be between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why is humidity important for bearded dragons?

Humidity is important for bearded dragons because it helps them shed their skin properly. A lack of humidity can cause shedding problems, which can lead to infection and other health problems. In the wild, bearded dragons get the moisture they need from the air and from their food. In captivity, they rely on you to provide the correct level of humidity in their habitat.

A beardie that has live in lower-than-recommended humidity for an extended period may suffer from impaction, dehydration, and respiratory problems. If a beardie is subjected to high humidity levels, it can lead to skin problems and respiratory infections.

Maintaining the correct humidity level is essential for the health of your bearded dragon.

How to measure humidity levels in beardie’s tank

To ensure that you are providing the correct level of humidity for your bearded dragon, you will need to use a hygrometer. This is a device that measures the amount of water vapor present in air. You can find hygrometers at most pet stores or online.

Place the hygrometer in your bearded dragon’s tank and check it regularly to make sure that the humidity level is between 20 and 30%. If the humidity level falls below 20%, you will need to take action to increase it.

How to increase humidity levels

If the humidity level in your bearded dragon’s habitat falls below 20%, you will need to take action to increase it. There are a few different ways you can do this:

– Use a humidifier: This is the most effective way to increase humidity levels. Place the humidifier near the basking spot so that your bearded dragon can benefit from the increased humidity.

– Place a bowl of water in the tank: This will help to increase the humidity levels, but it is not as effective as using a humidifier.

– Use live plants: Live plants help to increase humidity levels by releasing water vapor into the air.

– Cover part of the tank: Place a lid or screen over part of the tank to help trap humidity inside.

How to decrease humidity levels in beardie’s habitat

If the humidity level in your bearded dragon’s habitat rises above 30%, you will need to take action to decrease it. There are a few different ways you can do this:

– Use a dehumidifier: This is the most effective way to decrease humidity levels. Place the dehumidifier near the basking spot so that your bearded dragon can benefit from the reduced humidity.

– Reduce the number of live plants: Live plants release water vapor into the air, so reducing the number of plants in the tank will help to decrease the humidity levels.

– Use a fan: Place a fan near the basking spot to help circulate the air and reduce the humidity levels.


Q: Aside from humidity, what other environmental factors are important for beardie’s habitat?

A: In addition to humidity, temperature is also an important environmental factor to consider when setting up a bearded dragon’s habitat. The basking spot should be between 85 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, while the rest of the tank should be between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Providing a temperature gradient in the habitat will allow your bearded dragon to thermoregulate by moving to different parts of the tank to regulate its body temperature. In addition to temperature, you should also provide a hiding spot for your bearded dragon to feel secure, and plenty of places to climb and bask. A well-rounded habitat will help your bearded dragon stay healthy and happy.

Q: What are some common signs that a bearded dragon is not getting enough humidity?


There are a few common signs that may indicate that your bearded dragon is not getting enough humidity. These include excessive shedding, respiratory infections, and difficulty swallowing. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action to increase the humidity levels in your bearded dragon’s habitat.

Q: What are some common signs that a bearded dragon is getting too much humidity?

A: There are a few common signs that may indicate that your bearded dragon is getting too much humidity. These include softening of the nails and skin, and fungal infections. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take action to decrease the humidity levels in your bearded dragon’s habitat.

Q: Can improper humidity levels kill my bearded dragon?

A: Yes, improper humidity levels can be deadly for bearded dragons. If the humidity level in their habitat gets too low, they can suffer from dehydration and respiratory problems. If the humidity level gets too high, they can develop fungal infections. It is important to maintain the correct level of humidity to keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy.

What are recommended bearded dragon humidity levels at night?

The humidity in a bearded dragon tank should be between 30% and 40% during the day, and around 55% at night. Incorrect humidity levels can lead to shedding problems or various diseases. During the day when the temperature is high, keep the humidity low by using a dehumidifier or fan. At night when the temperature is cooler, increase the humidity by using a humidifier, live plants, or a bowl of water.

Higher humidity is necessary at night as it allows the bearded dragon to properly hydrate while they sleep. If the humidity is too low, the beardie may become dehydrated and wake up feeling thirsty.

What are ideal bearded dragon humidity levels during shedding?

The ideal humidity level for a bearded dragon during shedding is between 50% and 60%. This higher level of humidity will help to loosen the old skin so that it can be shed more easily. You can increase the humidity in the tank by using a humidifier, live plants, or a bowl of water.

What are the consequences of bearded dragons living in too high or low of humidity?

If a bearded dragon is subjected to high humidity levels, it can lead to respiratory problems or a bacterial infection. If the humidity level is too low, it can cause shedding problems. It is important to maintain the correct humidity level to ensure the health of your bearded dragon.

How often should I mist my bearded dragon?

It is generally recommended that you mist your bearded dragon once or twice a day. Misting helps to increase the humidity levels in the tank and can also be a source of hydration for your bearded dragon. Be sure to use distilled or filtered water to avoid introducing impurities into the tank.

Should I mist my bearded dragon before I feed them?

Yes, it is a good idea to mist your bearded dragon before you feed them. Misting helps to increase the humidity levels in the tank and can also be a source of hydration for your bearded dragon. Be sure to use distilled or filtered water to avoid introducing impurities into the tank.

Can I use a spray bottle to mist my bearded dragon?

Yes, you can use a spray bottle to mist your bearded dragon. Just be sure to use distilled or filtered water to avoid introducing impurities into the tank.

Do I need to mist my bearded dragon if I have a humidifier in their tank?

No, you do not need to mist your bearded dragon if you have a humidifier in their tank. The humidifier will help to maintain the correct humidity levels in the tank.

What is the best way to increase humidity levels in a bearded dragon’s habitat?

The best way to increase humidity levels in a bearded dragon’s habitat is to use a humidifier. You can also use live plants or a bowl of water to help increase the humidity levels. Be sure to monitor the humidity levels closely to make sure they do not get too high.

Is it necessary to have a humidity gauge in a bearded dragon’s tank?

Yes, it is necessary to have a humidity gauge in a bearded dragon’s tank. This will help you to monitor the humidity levels and make sure they stay within the correct range.

What are some signs that my bearded dragon is not liking the humidity levels in their tank?

Some signs that your bearded dragon is not liking the humidity levels in their tank include wheezing, respiratory problems, or a decrease in appetite. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to adjust the humidity levels immediately.

What should I do if the humidity level in my bearded dragon’s tank gets too high?

If the humidity level in your bearded dragon’s tank gets too high, you should remove any live plants or bowls of water. You should also turn off the humidifier and make sure that the lid on the tank is secure. Be sure to monitor the humidity levels closely and adjust as necessary.


Maintaining the correct level of humidity is essential for the health of your bearded dragon. Use a hygrometer to regularly check the humidity level in your bearded dragon’s habitat and take action to increase or decrease the level as needed. By providing the correct level of humidity, you can help your bearded dragon stay healthy and happy.

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